Meet Ms. Nicole Jennings, Real Estate Advisor
Ms. Nicole Jennings has been Highly Sought After by Investors, Portfolio Managers, Hedgefunds, REIT's, and Developer's.
Multi-Family Sales & Property Management
Knowing The Right Solutions For the Right Market can be paramount in whether your Property Grows and Maintains Your Preferred Returns For Your Investment
Invest and /or Partner With Nicole Jennings
Do you have $100k -$1 Million to Invest in Real Estate? Earn a high ROI from your investment. We Find the deals, Manage the Properties, and you watch your Investment Grow.
Looking For A Speaker For Your Next Event?
Are you holding a Real Estate Event and looking for a Speaker For Your Next Event? Nicole can Host Your Next Event and Hold Workshops for your Target Demographic.

If you’d like to Schedule A Consultation to meet with Ms. Nicole Jennings and Discuss Your Investment Project. You may due so by clicking here.
We have a screening process to make sure that we are a good fit for each other. I usually work with seasoned investors who are familiar with investing and have the experience and wherewithal to Handle the waiting period. I will take on new Investors If they meet our metrics for investors. Expect your Investment to be a 3-5 Year Commitment at a minimum. We look for Long Term Relationships where we can continue to Invest together.
We Have Identified Various Development Opportunities that are currently available.
Do you have a property you’re looking to Sell? We’d Love to represent you in the Sale of your home, Commercial Property or Business. Call us Today!
Are you a real Estate Broker, looking to make sure that your agents are equipped to protect their clients and lessen the Liability on your Brokerage?
Are you need of Extensive Legal Research? Not only do we provide Support to your legal Staff by helping them ask the Important Questions, We use our Experience to Support Attorney’s in court as their Expert Legal Witness.
Featured Properties For Sale
What People Say
working with Nicole Jennings has been on of the best decisions I have made with The Management and Sales Of My Real Estate Portfolio. She is very adept Real Estate Laws and Regulations.
Helena Gibbson
“Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fringilla vel tincidunt ipsum ac. Nam at et id leo pulvinar egestas mi lorem. Adipiscing felis, vel faucibus in. Hendrerit viverra elementum venenatis pellentesque pellentesque ornare“
Helena Gibbson
“Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fringilla vel tincidunt ipsum ac. Nam at et id leo pulvinar egestas mi lorem. Adipiscing felis, vel faucibus in. Hendrerit viverra elementum venenatis pellentesque pellentesque ornare“
Helena Gibbson
“Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fringilla vel tincidunt ipsum ac. Nam at et id leo pulvinar egestas mi lorem. Adipiscing felis, vel faucibus in. Hendrerit viverra elementum venenatis pellentesque pellentesque ornare“
Helena Gibbson
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Are you Ready To Take Your Project and Real Estate Investment Portfolio to The Next Level?